A&D Contractor Uncovers Rare ERP Offering, Combining Government Contract Accounting & End-to-End ETO Manufacturing
FACT: The US military burns an average of 12.6 million gallons of fossil fuel daily. The transportation of fuel supplies to where needed is a massive logistical challenge and in combat situations, fuel convoys are prized targets for attack, exponentially increasing risk to personnel and operations. Compounding the problem, fuel-powered generators are highly inefficient and require a variety of fuels to safely operate.
Introducing Iris Technology Corporation, an electronic component & Department of Defense (DoD) contractor, Iris collaborates with numerous government entities that include US Air Force Research Laboratories, the United States Marine Corps and NASA, as well as prime contractors such as JPL, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. Located in Irvine, CA, Iris has delivered over 7,000 remote, self-contained man-portable power systems to the DoD through May 2015, reducing the need for fossil fuel deliveries to forward reaching commands. In addition, Iris develops and manufactures specialized control electronics for aerospace applications with an Engineer to Order focus.
For years, Iris had been using QuickBooks. “We have struggled along with spreadsheets and manual entries recording every kind of manufacturing process. In addition, we have labored with duplicate entries to reconcile accounting to our manufacturing,” said Maggie Slater, CFO & Program Manager. The company was resigned to the fact that if it wanted to realize expected growth and accommodate expanding project management needs, they needed to implement a new ERP system. “We needed a scalable solution that was flexible enough to grow with us,” explained Maggie, “We were looking to quickly derive accurate estimates-to-complete and % completions for complex contracts. We also wanted to access real-time customer orders and shipments information, rather than waiting until closing at the end of each month.”
Click Here for the press release.