BOM Xploder Product Webinar
Thursday, July 26th @ 12 PM – 12:30 PM EDT
Are you responsible for material planning? Do you spend a significant amount of time ensuring material availability is checked – particularly on multi-level or complex BOMs?
Please join Synergy’s Rich Ferlatte for this webinar where he will demonstrate how BOM Xploder gives you complete material visibility across all your BOMs no matter how complex or how many levels deep.
BOM Xploder – Catch part shortages before they catch you!
What you should know about BOM Xploder:
- Find shortages and find them fast!
- Get a top level view of a job/work order and how many shortages that entire structure contains; then drill down level by level and see the number of shortages at each level as well.
- Shortages at any level are actionable by clicking through the Material Planning Window for that part, allowing you to fix that shortage in real-time.
- BOM drill down to see specific shortages – simply drill-down into exploded Bill of Materials (BOM) to identify parts that have shortages identified.
- Ability to select a Work Order or Part and drill right into the VISUAL Material Planning Window, the Engineering Master Window and/or Traveller window.
- Dynamic BOM assessment. Find out in an instant if you are ready to build.
Be sure to register now to secure your seat! We’ll see you on the 26th.
Can’t attend the webinar? Register anyway and we’ll send you the webinar recording.
Your Presenter:
Rich Ferlatte brings more than 18 years of combined consulting, project management, practice management, and leadership experience, with expertise in ERP software project delivery to the manufacturing industry.
In keeping in line with putting the customer first, Rich is the creator and owner of – the original VISUAL blog dedicated to exchanging ideas, experiences and solutions with the user community.
Specialties include: ERP, CRM, MRP, Project Management, Enterprise Application Integration, Business Process, Windows and web development, Business Intelligence, Reporting and Troubleshooting.